Tuesday 6 May 2014

Ideas Taking Shape

Today we have continued working on our storyboard, which now is almost finished. We now have the scene-by-scene plan for our film, with a rough idea of what each scene will contain, including narration. For the first time we also used the cameras to produce some real footage that might end up in our film. We filmed both outside and inside the Yorkshire Museum, and this footage we were thinking of using as an introduction and an end to our film. We were hoping to film both close-up shots of the exhibit, and people interacting with it. Unfortunately there were no people there when we were filming, meaning we might go back later to get some more footage.

This is a test clip, using some of the footage we took at the museum. While this probably won't end up in the final film, it helped us understand the workings and limitations of Windows Movie Maker.

In the afternoon we had a visit from Colleen Morgan, who is currently producing archaeological films. She gave us helpful advice on different aspects of film production, such as camera angles and sound editing. In the next couple of days we will plan our interview questions for filming next week, continue the drawings, and finalise our storyboard. When we meet on Thursday we will pitch our ideas for the museum, so we will also have to think about how to present it, to make people as excited about it as we are.

Our developing storyboard

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